
The Company

The PLN Co was imagined out of the desire to combine organization and productivity with intentional living.

While emotionally and financially struggling through a year-long unpaid internship, I started working on what is now The PLN Co's first product line (The Financial Tracker Series). Part of living a fulfilling life for me was taking control of my finances, and so I built a tool to do just that!

I believe that everyone deserves to live the life they desire. The products created are intentionally designed to ignite thought so you can move closer to living your version of a fulfilling life.

My belief in helping support people reach their potential is reflected in the Pay What You Can pricing model. This pricing model allows a high value product to be accessible to a wider audience.

The Founder

Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, Lia has a unique background of Jamaican, Chinese, and Cape Breton'er! Add on 6 siblings and it made for a very fun and adventurous upbringing.

She has a creative soul which has lead to many passions including nutrition, food photography, advocacy, and travel. With a Diploma in Business Admin and Accounting and a BScAHN (nutrition), she has acquired a knack for creating systems and being efficient. You can find her making checklists and plans for fun.

Having experienced the highs and lows of life as we all do, she now strives to live a life of intention and doing more of the things she loves in life. She hopes The PLN Co can help ignite the same in you!

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